I would like to change the user password in Access Level from ZZZ so I can limit changing of some features (without user searching on Google and finding the password to be ZZZ)
Surely this must be possible, but I have searched and cant find anything about it.
Any ideas ?
On the old UI the ZZZ password was hardcoded into the qml files.
It may be here to, but from my understanding modify it could be a little more difficult and that’s because of the implementation.
Thanks for the reply, it seems a little strange that it may not be able to be changed on a user level, especially if a system is being fitted and a user doesnt understand some of the settings that can be locked out with a user password to stop fiddling
The new UI may have different options for security and settings lock.
I have had a look and didnt find anything, even as a superuser.
I wonder if its possible to change some of the code where the passwords are stored ? (I know nothing about coding by the way)
I don’t have the new UI installed, but I’ve downloaded just now the 3.51 version and took a peek inside the image.
The same hardcoded thing, so it’s possible to change the code:
validatePassword: (index, password) => {
if ((index === 0 || index === 1) && password === "ZZZ") {
return Utils.validationResult(VenusOS.InputValidation_Result_OK)
//% "Incorrect password"
return Utils.validationResult(VenusOS.InputValidation_Result_Error, qsTrId("settings_access_incorrect_password"))
Ok, thanks for that,
I may have a play around with that, off to the School of Youtube to learn some coding
I wonder if somebody has already attempted to change that password, or even written some code that allows it to be changed through the UI
The reason i am asking about changing the user access password, is that the system does not have G100 compliance, but its possible that I can blag a “pass” if I can show that the system is compliant through various instances, I think for G100, the new specifications is that the system (or parts of it) need to be password protected from the user (I may be wrong there, but seem to remember reading that), the Mutilplus 2 was G100 compliant, up until they changed the G100 compliance specifications, now its only G99, and Victron dont seem bothered to get the G100 compliance back from what I have read