3x MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35 not visible on ve.bus anymore

One of my 3-phase installation stopped working after almost 2 years:

The multiplus disappeared in remote console. I tried to connect to each of them by using a mk3 cable, no luck so far. No visible cable problem on ve.bus, I also swapped the ve.bus cables, checked all breakers (AC and DC), no luck!

Alarm log only shows “VE.Bus Error: VE.Bus Error 3: Not all, or more than, the expected devices were found in the system”

Has anyone experienced a problem like this? I don’t know what to do now!

It can happen if something nukes the comms boards…
Happens in a three phase system for a number of reasons.

If you [cant do this basic thing] (4. Pre-RMA test form - Inverter/charger) successfully then its RMA time.

Here’s another one, also from the same period…

Yes, I saw that one! But there was no VE.Bus error 1, all 3 multiplus turned off (at once), disappeared on VE.Bus (error 3) and are dead now (no VE.Bus connection via CerboGX or MK3-cable).
When I turn them off and on again there is no relais test and the LEDs blink (see video).

I will contact the dealer today, @lxonline thank you for the link to the Pre-RMA test!

I am seeing two errors there.

error 11 (bulk and inverter alternating out of phase)

Error 11

Then bulk absorption and float alternating with inverter.
I cant identify and haven’t seen before. And it doesn’t seem to be in the toolkit.


Yes, I also tried to figure out the errors codes yesterday and also came up with error 11 (and error 13), but I think this is just a consequence of the missing VE.Bus.

Error 11 is relay and wiring related. Most often a neutral problem.
If the comms board has died also points to a problem with neutrals and or earth neutral bond or stray voltages where they should not be.

Either way, there is also a site issue that would need to be addressed.

Relay test failures won’t prevent the vebus working, the GX would log the event and provide detail on which unit caused it.
Best is to isolate each unit and see which, if any responds to a mk3, assuming you are sure the unit is actually being powered by the battery.
Diagnosis of weird issues via LED codes is a black art and often difficult to impossible to interpret.

How was this diagnosed?

Yes the pre rma is set to stand alone and work from there.

How could I test for a neutral problem? There was nothing changed on the site. I measured phase voltages to neutral. There is no connection between ac-in and ac-out. What else could I look for?

according to 6. Error Indications flashing of all 3 leds means error 13:

I disconnected the ve.bus cables to all 3 mp2, then connected each of them to mk3, none of them connected! Yes, all 3 mp2 are powered by the battery.

What I did yesterday with each of the mp2: I disconnected AC-OUT and AC-IN and VE.Bus, also disconnected the battery for 2 minutes, then I connected the battery again and tried to connect via mk3. It failed for all 3.

Can’t say any of those codes and patterns seem to match.

Maybe the mk3 is dead ?

I talked to the dealer, he forwarded me to a service company. They did a remote-session and managed to connect to the second and third mp2 via VE.Bus Quick Configure (I only tried VE.configure, victron connect and VE.flash). But the first mp2 seems to be dead and will be replaced.
According to the service company this kind of defect can happen but it is very rare and is not caused by an error in the installation. I also looked for any installation problem, but could not find anything.

Sorry for ignorance, but what is this “quick connect” ?
It’s the same as VE.Bus Quick Configure ?

Do you switch or break neutrals in the installation?

Sorry, my fault, it is called VE.Bus Quick Configure, the tool you need to setup 3-phase systems

This is what I am looking for! Neutral is never switched off anywhere.
There is only a heating element with 3 phases, which is still working correctly.
Normaly this kind of problem can happen with 3-phased motors, compressors, etc. and when you break neutral or some of the phases. But there is nothing like this on site.
No special tools or loads where active at this moment. Just a view lights and maybe the heating element.

Maybe as the service company is right. It is one of those things. (I hate that i need to know :sweat_smile:) That is what the warranty is for.
Glad it wasn’t all three though like you originally thought.