Here is a recent project designed and installed by ourselves at AspeyEnergy
72 x 420w REC Pure Alpha R Black Panels
2 x SmartSolar MPPT RS 450/200 Charge Controllers
1 x Quattro 48/15000/200
2 x 15.4kWh BYD LVL
1 x 88 kVA Kohler Generator
This system is running a local football club allowing them to move from running off a diesel generator 24/7.
People, this is positive space to show systems. It is not here for critiques. If you have questions feel free to ask them constructively but let’'s stick to what this category is about and not discourage contributors with negative comments. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing! Nice and clean work! well done! The metal channels and grounding looks awesome! Nice idea to just put the HPC fuse-holders between large metal channels, avoids housing them, especially in a “instructed personnel only” room! Congrats!