180kVA beast from Dracula land

A system I want to show that we are currently working on in Cluj, Romania. We are in fact building it at our home base and then it will be lifted ready to the customers site 100km away.

What you see in the pictures so far:

12 x 15KVA Quatrro units
2 x 5000A aluminium busbars (Schrack Technik)
12 x ETI Fuse switch disconnectors

This will be filled soon with 500KW LIFEPO4 storage and the AC/DC panel. Will post pictures as it develops. The use case if anyone wonders is that the grid is really unreliable at a rural milk factory. Reason they lose roughly 10K euros per month in maintanance and spare parts for all the machinery. Obviously Swiss manufacturer refuses to replace these under warranty due to surges. The container will act as a buffer between the grid and factory. (there is also solar PV inverters involved but that is another topic).


Now that is a big gig MUSH ROOM …
Mighty and Unbelievable Storage Housing of Romanian Overkill Of Material

For all fans of the old Diablo 1 game :wink:

From sec 56 …

Good or bad MUSH? :slight_smile:

Incredible madness … thank you for these insights
My respect for such a project … :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Hi Dan,
Why did you choose a low voltage (48V) system for such power? I mean 3000A is overkill…
Did you tried to see if a high voltage solution will not be much better?
For sure from efficiency point of view it is…
At least this is what they say all over the web, didn’t designed myself such thing.

There’ve been a few points considered. The most important being the use case. There are sudden dropps of grid, surges and sometimes demand spikes.

  • poor power factor
  • ups feature
  • power assist

We can correct all these using the Quattro’s. Not to mention the automations which are limitless here. The chinese out the box BESS solutions can’t handle these or only partially solve. Most being parallel solutions. Not a true UPS.

From an efficiency stand-point if you always cycle the bank, yes, it is more efficient. Here however the bank has a buffer role.

The financial aspect is also important. Compared to a ready-to-go 500kw container the budget is half, including the assembly man hours. With the advantage we are building it to local regulations (ANRE anti-islanding) and designing the panel to integrate everything the customer has there currently. Basically we are custom building it for the customers needs and particularities.

We are doing this pilot as we want to do a lot more of these in the future and it being an EU designed and assembled product has a lot of advantages.


Thanks for the explanation! :+1:
Share pictures! :slight_smile:

i love this system

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Amazing Work

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Update on project: Electric panel is ready

  • anti-islanding (Schrack Tehnick)
  • AC IN on right side
  • AC OUT on left
  • GENSET input on bottom

It is setup so if AC, INVERTERS go down the 100kw GENSET will automatically kick in