3-phase system in Vienna, Austria

My system has the following configuration:

8 KWP solar panels on the roof facing east/west

2 strings on 2 SmartSolar MPPT VE.CAN 250/100

3 MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32, one device for each phase

4 Pylontech US3000C storage

Controlled via the Cerbo GX with emergency power function.

I did everything myself, only ordered the components from the wholesaler.


That looks really good and clean :+1:
Beautifully built.
The hopefully equally long DC connections of the multis can always be easily stowed in such a channel.

And the broom in ‘Victron blue’ :wink: … perfect

Very nice and clean with that cabinet.

Do you know Markus?

Should I? :innocent: