With a war looming in Europe.. how do I configure


With a war looming in Europe I wonder how to use my 3 phase MultiPlus II w/ 9.8kWh Pylontech as as an emergency (UPS) backup in the event the grid fails. It is wired pretty simple, each phase is connected to a individual plug.

(not to mention I live like 100 meters away from a 150kVa distribution point, so a very slim change we’ll survive any of it LoL)

Not sure what you are asking for…

As per 150kVA, this is small, for sure will not be targeted (intentionally)… :slight_smile:

You can set a minimum soc in the ess settings, so there is always a backup, or set it on keep batterys charged

My 3ph ess is set up like that also, i always have a minimum of 40% unless grid fails, and thats enough to keep the fridge and some light/chargers running for a few days, my DC pv will top it up as much as it can during grid outage

well, for me it’s a pretty big building. some years ago it even caught fire, with a big explosion!

@DuivertNL thanks! so nothing needs to be configured in the MP’s?


If you have it running as ESS already, its ok as is

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Ensure your loads are connected to the critial loads ACOUT1 as the ACIN will disconnect when there is a power failure as will ACOUT2. For me it works very well and has stood the test of time during very frequent load shedding events. So well actually that nobody realised there was a grid failure and occasionally overloaded the inverter during outages as a result.

In a real emergency, I would definitely go back to a 1-phase system … your memory is too small for a 3-phase system.