Why is my Pytes battery limited to 10k power input?

Since we upgraded to new UI will only could load 10k into the battery
I read that there is an automatic Pytes adjustment
DVCC, DCL CCL all is OK.
But when solar egress is going over 10k he feeds all over 10K into the grid

Hi @rori,
Can you please post the VRM URL for the site and I can have a look?

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Edited by Guy - I’ll get in touch


Hi @rori,

Looking at VRM it appears to me like the change to reduce the battery charging power occurred on 31st of October.

On the same day there was a change made via VE.Configure. Do you know what this VE.Configure change was?

I have blurred out the name of the person who made it, but there are only a few Admins to that site so should be easy to ask them (it wasn’t you :))

No change where made i only controlled if the charger is configured with 70A (MP5000)
and in that i changed one Pytes setting according with the new parameters from Pytes for absorbtion voltage. I also checked DVCC and ESS and changed to mode "without batterylife " but nothing changed - the customer installed the new gui and then informed us about the issue
i have a list of improvements are you interested
thx in advance

Given the timing of the data, the first thing would be to revert those changes made on the 31st of October and

I don’t think there is anything specific to the new UI that would make any kind of change like this, but changing a battery absorption voltage setting or charge current limit setting definitely could. Reverting back to those original settings would be the first step to isolating why this happened.

For all other suggestions and feedback on new UI, the best spot for them is to read these posts, and then if it is new, create a new topic: