Wakespeed connected to Cerbo GX via Wakespeed to Cerbo Cable. Terminators installed on both Wakespeed and Cerbo. Charging just fine from Sprinter alternator. But it shows as Negative DC power. And not Positive Alternator Power.
When the vehicle is off the Alternator box disappears, so I know the Cerbo is “seeing” the Wakespeed, it just isn’t showing it correctly on the Touch. Any recommendations? See pics below.
What firmware are you on. I am on 3.50 and mine shows OK. Is it possible you need to have the WS500 setting for the shunt reversed. I am sure l have seen some other people mentioning this and Victron having made some changes causing this which needs to be completed in the upcoming V3.60 firmware. This is one reason I have stayed at V3.50.
Re: The shunt. Are you referring to the Wakespeed shunt or the SmartShunt? I don’t believe either needs to be reversed, but maybe that might be part of my issue. I have both installed. The WS Shunt is in line with the 4/0 Negative Cable coming from the Alternator and then I ran another 4/0 to the Lynx Distributor. The Victron SmartShunt is then connected to the Lynx Distributor. The Current Sense wires for the WS are connected to the Wakespeed Shunt. I think this might be incorrect somehow.
I am referring to the WS500 shunt which is the one that sends tje alternator current to the WS500 and hence to the Cerbo. It is possible the sense wires are reversed, you can try the sense wires the other way or in the WS500 settings reverse the shunt direction, it is called is shunt backwards.
I said above “I am sure l have seen some other people mentioning this”, i meant reversed current direction, even contacting Wakespeed who said it was Victron’s problem. Hence the point about waiting for new Cerbo firmware. As said, this is why I am reluctant to go above 3.50 at the moment.
You could try the WS500 Facebook group, which is where this has been raised. WS500 group