VRM remote configure

I was attempting to activate the charger of one of my two Multiplus II from VRM, after having downloaded the file, when I open it in Windows it opens up as a “V.E Bus System Configuration” rather than in VE Configure 3.
I do not remember experiencing that before, I have not modified any settings since March 24.
Is this possibly because I am running them in Parallel?
In which case do I have to physically go to the installation and connect directly via MK3?

This is correct for a network system … you go to the respective Multi in the Ve Configurator and then VE.Configure opens for the individual Multi.
You may have installed your old system via Victron Connect …

Thanks, I actually did that via the MK3. Am I forgetting something here? Can I set the charger on even from the app if it’s currently set to “OFF” in VE config file?

However I need to change som parameters as well

Asked the other way round: Why do you want to switch off the charger?

There are situations in which the Multi charges despite the charger being switched off … I think with deep discharge and Ac coupled PV
I don’t use the charging function myself …

I have never used the charger before so it was left set to off. Now I shall use it during the winter due to the poor generation. I only have DC PV.

You can set the charging current to the lowest value so that your batteries do not become deeply discharged and the power from the mains does not become too high.
It should then always fluctuate around the set SOC ±3%.

Sure, I will thanks.

You can also set your ESS to “keep Batteries charged” the the SOC will set to 100% … its your Decision

Well, since I use the system as an Off-Grid I’m not sure if the ESS is going to be my best bet.
All I intend to do is if the batteries get used in the day and I’m facing poor weather the next, I simply pull my independent auto/manual switch and run the place from the grid using the charger as if it were a normal appliance.

Perhaps I should have mentioned that I have two buildings, one fully off-grid, I connect the second one when energy is abundant like in the summer.
That is why I have an independent switchover contractor for the second building which automatically reverses to the grid in case of power loss from the solar shed.
I do have an underground 10mm (circa 50A) supply to the solar shed which can easily allow me to charge the batteries anywhere up to 40Ah.

:thinking: ok … Information is simply everything :grinning:

Take a look at in the “VS” Section … the Virtual Switches … use the dedicated funktion for connecting to grid only in certain situations … SOC, Load etc …

Then you can deinstall the ESS …

As you know the Multiplus II automatically reverts to Grid mode if it sees power coming in and I don’t want that because, as I mentioned, the grid supply is 55 mt away and I only provided a 10mm cable.
If I were to allow that I would potentially allow up to 100A to flow all the way to the shed, into the Multi only to come back another 55mt.
The return, being a 16mm cable, would be ok but that is designed to power the off-grid building (workshop/studio) and only occasionally the house.
Perhaps you can see that it was all planned that way so I’m not too sure how the virtual switches could be of assistance unless I was to use them in conjunction with my external ones.

Hi @Logic28,
I think you should be able to do what you want to do (control inverter only mode, set AC input current limit, or allow charging) from the realtime controls in VRM without needing to use Remote VE.Configure - it’s much easier to use;


Thank you Guy, I didn’t think it would work if it is not enabled in the Multiplus internal settings, I unticked the box months ago as I did not envisage using it.
Besides I have not activated ESS as I am not using the grid as explained earlier, only in case of charging.

But why not simply activate it now and set the charge value to 10A?
It is the DC side charging current and not the AC side !!!

If you read my initial question I was looking to activate it remotely, of course I can connect my computer and do that but that means having to go to the installation

Download the Configuration via VRM and then upload the changed Ve Configure Files … Ready

VRM / Devicelist / VE Configure Remote Configuration …

You didn’t read the first question, that is why I started this thread, it won’t work because, with the two Multi in parallel, it can only be done directly via MK. When I download the file opens up as a “V.E Bus System Configuration” rather than in VE Configure 3.

then you didnt read my answer … :wink:

“This is correct for a network system … you go to the respective Multi in the Ve Configurator and then VE.Configure opens for the individual Multi.” … you have to “klick” on the Multi you need to configure …

Of course, I read the answer but as you said I have to go into each individual Multi and I cannot do that from VRM . . . or can I?