Victron Remote Veconfig update - Unresponsive system


I’m need of a bit of a help. I’ve got Multi II 5000 with two pylontech US5000s. It’s a remote, off-grid system.

As it happened, it snowed a lot and the panels were under a lot of snow and did not clear out. The battery was draining out after 5 days around 15% left. I was waiting for the Low Voltage Cut Off to kick on. Did not want the battery to go below 10%.

Realized, that I had not customized the values to the Pylontech / Victron spec for Low Voltage Cutoff and Restsart. Fired up VEConfig, after I had downloaded the settings file via the VRM portal.

Edited new values in, did not touch anything else. Saved the new config. Used the VRM portal to upload the new Config.

VRM Portal informed that the file uploaded, Initializing (modifications needed restarting the VE.Bus if I remember correctly) So i though that the system will reboot.

Well, obviously since it’s a remote system, its obvious by this writing that the system did not come up. So either the update failed, the reboot failed, or something something failed since I don’t have any power at the house by the looks of it (no internet, and it’s automatic if power goes up, all internet-connected things work remote).

Any tips? Any previous experiences of the same? I’m going to location (I am 2000km’s apart so remote management is essential) in the end of the next week, but I’d like to be well prepared for solving the problem.

ie. do I need to reset the multi? do I need the usb-dongle to solve problems?
I have the possibility to use an generator if the batteries have flattened out (hopefully not since aim was to prevent this) to run the system through that to get even something going and try to fix the setup.

Anyone want to look my rvsc file to spot problems?

Hi @squisitavictron

You might find the system recovers itself without any further intervention.

Especially if the battery was low and then you set a cut off that was higher than the actual.

Presuming you have DC MPPT solar connected, that should recharge the system and then it should wake up and continue normally.

To return on this topic and for the answer provided, I was just too anxious to wait and the system eventually did return online on it’s own once the threshold was reached (the batteries were charged above the set level).

Which was, awesome. Thanks for the reply though!

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