dune16 asked the following question, but was never answered.
As it was around the time that the new Community.VictronEnergy.com started operating, the question may have been overlooked.
“I have a Victron IP43 charger that I have just installed to charge my 2 x 300ah Lifepo4 batteries. Whatever preset I use I have this “storage” phase. The description suggests this is relevant to lead acid batteries, not LFP’s. Currently I have just set the value to the same as my float value but I don’t see a way to completely disable the storage phase. Please advise? Thanks.”
I have the same question.
I’m currently experimenting with the following settings:
Absorption: 27.86v. (3.48v/cell)
Float: 27.50v. (3.44vcell)
Storage: 27.00v. (3.38v/cell)
Here are screen shots of the currents settings I am experimenting with.
In case anyone is interested, here are my settings for the REC-BMS