Victron Phoenix IP43 "Storage" mode (Q from archive not answered)

dune16 asked the following question, but was never answered.

As it was around the time that the new started operating, the question may have been overlooked.

“I have a Victron IP43 charger that I have just installed to charge my 2 x 300ah Lifepo4 batteries. Whatever preset I use I have this “storage” phase. The description suggests this is relevant to lead acid batteries, not LFP’s. Currently I have just set the value to the same as my float value but I don’t see a way to completely disable the storage phase. Please advise? Thanks.”

I have the same question.

I’m currently experimenting with the following settings:

Absorption: 27.86v. (3.48v/cell)
Float: 27.50v. (3.44vcell)
Storage: 27.00v. (3.38v/cell)

Here are screen shots of the currents settings I am experimenting with.

In case anyone is interested, here are my settings for the REC-BMS