Victron Multiplus - powerpack failure


I have a multiplus installed in my NarrowBoat. My multiplus is indicating a “powerPack Failure”

Can any one say what this is and can it be rectified?

Please provide some information about the system and wiring
Battery type … and numbers …
Fuses checked and ok …
BMS available
possibly batterys deep discharged

Hi Steffan, thanks for the reply

The system was installed in the narrowboat when I purchased it. It has 3 Multicell AGM 230 Batteries.

The error comes as soon as the inverter is either placed in charger only mode of inverter. This is the case with either shore power connected or engine running.

I have checked all the fuses and they look OK. I am not at the system now but will visit this evening so can get more information and pictures if that would help.

Ive attached a video of the error condition.

Have a look at this thread on the older forum.

A few days ago I received my inverter (multiplus 24/3000/70, manufactured year 2012) from the serviceman.
Initially, it was dead. After replacing a few capacitors and diodes it works but PowerPack failure appears. After replacing a few other Zener diodes and capacitors (screen below) - it works well.

So, it most likely needs to be repaired. The repair cost was 60 euros in my country; I’m not sure about your country.

You can try to heat the place I marked on the screen. It was helpful in my case. Multi running fine after heat gun. So, the place on the screen was a problem in my case.

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