Victron Multiplus II 48/5000/70 charging


I purchased the Victron MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70 with the understanding that it would operate within a voltage range of up to 66V. However, I have noticed that while the system can run at 66V, it does not charge beyond 64V, which is quite disappointing.

I also have an MPPT 250/100 charge controller, which is capable of boosting the charging voltage to 66V. However, when I connect the VeBus, the charging voltage is automatically reduced to 64V.

Could you clarify whether it’s possible to increase the charging voltage to 66V? If so, what settings need to be adjusted in VictronConnect or VEConfig to achieve this?

Additionally, is the hardware capable of supporting a 66V charging voltage, and is this something that could be adjusted via a software update or configuration change?

I would appreciate your guidance on this matter.

Thank you for your help!

Its an 48v based system, 66V is the absolute max it can operate at, so no you can not change that

At 64V youre already almost at the limit of the system, you should have get some advice from an offical victron dealer before purchase…

You will probaply need different batteries than you have right now

Under external control the multi will stop the mppt from charging. You can use a shunt and have it stand alone. I can set a charge voltage of 66V in DVCC maybe try that?

You are correct 64V is the max in ve.configure

I ready try this but still system go up to just 64. Anyway when I disconnect mppt charger from VeBus battery go over 64 no problem. Just I think if that gone happen trough software other way on Multiplus II maybe.

Just try stand-alone and if you have a shunt you can set it to solar or just let it set the SOC for you. I don’t use a shunt but only change a 48V battery to 56.5V and use the solar charger current to increase accuracy for multi estimate of SOC.