Victron MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50 GX with FelicitySolar FLA48500


I have connected my FelicitySolar FLA48500 throug the VE.Bus and have the batteries limits, temperature, % but when I put it to Charger Mode it doesnt charge, despite the battery being at only 35%.

Any ideas ?


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hello,may i know is charger mode means charge with grid?

Correct, charger mode means it should remain charged from grid and pass power through but not invert or power assist.

How is the inverter programmed?

@christophedm Then I think the problem may be in the inverter settings, have you set the grid charging power or current and voltage?

The solution was actually updating the Multiplus II and VE.Bus firmware.
After that configuring it in ESS Mode 3 I now have full control using modbus which was my intention.

I am just a bit alarmed by the errors on the network but all battery values seem to be arriving well into the system (battery % , voltage, power draw).

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