Victron IP65 Charged Car Battery to 15.5V

I got a new IP65 in the mail today. Set it to normal and immediately plugged it into my car battery, which needed to be jumpstarted recently.

It started at “abs”, which means it was about 80% charged. Waited about 2-4 hours where it was at “float”.

After unplugging the IP65, I checked the voltage. I believe it read 15.5V. It may have been higher. I don’t remember.

Is it normal that the voltage is so high with a resting engine?

Maybe it did an Equalization charge?

Thanks for the help. How do I check?

I was wondering if I had to use the Bluetooth connection to set up the charger before I started using it.

Also, is it normal that the voltage gets so high? My understanding was the voltage should get up to about 13.4V when the engine is running. So I was surprised when the voltage read 15.5V right after I took off the Victron charger. What should the voltage be after using a charger on a typical lead-acid battery?

Always consult your battery manufacturers owner’s manual for the correct charge profile. Some niche FLA batteries have slightly different charge profiles than a typical off-the-shelf battery like an Interstate Deep Cycle RV battery.

Absent that, you can start at Battery University.

My main concern is whether the Victron IP65 is defective. Is it possible that it’s overcharging the battery?

If so, I was wondering if I should exchange it for another one.

Maybe temperature compensation?
Check the settings of the charger with VictronConnect.

Thanks for the info! It was pretty cold outside. In mid 30s.

I guess I have to try to get into the settings. I was hoping for a quick answer. :frowning: