Victron Dashboard and Remote Console: displayed phase current incorrect

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed. It seems to me that the displayed values ​​of the phase currents in the dashboard, the remote console (v3.52) and also in Node-RED are incorrect, always much too large. With an ohmic load of approx. 3500 W, the current displayed is approx. 27 A (on the input and output sides of the Multiplus II 48/5000/70-50). Voltage is 230V. Has anyone else noticed this?
Regards Kosty

Additional info in this case:
There are two Multiplus connected in parallel. The error only occurs when connected to the grid. The values ​​are correct in island operation.

It seems that it’s double from what it should, probably because there are 2 inverters…
3500/230 = 15A, somehow doubled, 30A (27A shown)

I think similarly.