I don’t know if anyone else has noticed. It seems to me that the displayed values of the phase currents in the dashboard, the remote console (v3.52) and also in Node-RED are incorrect, always much too large. With an ohmic load of approx. 3500 W, the current displayed is approx. 27 A (on the input and output sides of the Multiplus II 48/5000/70-50). Voltage is 230V. Has anyone else noticed this?
Regards Kosty
Additional info in this case:
There are two Multiplus connected in parallel. The error only occurs when connected to the grid. The values are correct in island operation.
It seems that it’s double from what it should, probably because there are 2 inverters…
3500/230 = 15A, somehow doubled, 30A (27A shown)
I think similarly.