Incorrect values reported

Hello Victron community,

this is my first incursion into the Victron world.

Recently I added a Multiplus 2 to my solar system that already contained a Fronius Primo 6K and a Huawei Sun2000 6ktl-l1.

Unfortunately the values reported by the Victron Venus system do not make sense.
The Venus is reading correctly the Fronius and the Huawei values in the menu interface but in the energy flow view they are not correct.
With the correct values added and subtracted the Victron values make no sense.

Sometime the values are clearly incorrect: AC Input: -3kw, PV inverter: 2.5kw, AC Loads: 0.
Can’t export 3kw while 2.5kw are produced.

Below the connections.
Initially I had 2 meters, but eliminated the one on the Multiplus input.
I also updated the firmware of the ET112 using the Carlo Gavazzi UCS 7 - Universal Configuration Software.
With this software I can see that the values measured by the ET112 meter are fine, within error limit vs the Fronius meter.

comparing the last 2 pictures we can see the the values in the menu do not match the ones in the energy flow view. Can’t add / subtract them in any way such that they make sense.

Thank you,


I put an ET112 on the Huawei and marked this as PV inverter on AC Input 1.

But now, the problem now is that even at night the PV inverter is reported as producing 3-5Watts and I think this is the reason for the Multiplus charger being in state Bulk even if not in the situation of charging the battery.

in the picture Multiplus is off due to working on the battery but even at night it stays in bulk instead of Idle, I think due to seeing the PV as producing 4W instead of seeing it as consuming 4w.
I tried to invert the 1-2 connection on the ET112 but no change, it shows negative values for a few seconds then it goes positive again.


This is usually due to the battery state (not AC PV or mppt state). So charged voltage vs the battery voltage.

You have a shunt there, is that not set as the battery monitor?

Did you see that since your ac output is not in use, there is a setting for that?

See FAQ Q6

in the picture we can see that the battery is now discharging but the PV inverter is “producing” 3W.

yes I have a shunt in battery monitor mode, not in DC meter mode.

night time, pv inverter consuming not producing 4w but Multiplus-2 in Bulk mode.

Your bmv never seems to be synchronised. The --…

synchronized now, still producing 4W at night :slight_smile:

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