Venus OS v3.52~6 beta available for public testing

UPDATE NOVEMBER 1st: v3.52 released officially.

Good day!

After releasing v3.51 earlier this week, we’re now starting public beta testing of the next version, v3.52~1 is out for public beta testing.

Before we start on the details, if you haven’t seen it yet, make sure to check the v3.50 blog post as well as the related slide deck with more detailed information including troubleshooting tips.

Instructions 1 of 3: Venus OS beta testing & how to join/install

In case you don’t know what this message is about, please start with reading this link, which explains the Venus OS beta program. Venus OS is the software running on all our GX devices, such as the Cerbo GX.

Instructions 2 of 3: How to report an issue?

Before posting, please check if your issue already exists, in which case please contribute by replying to that issue or up-voting it.

Only once you are sure its a new possible issue, start a new topic.

Lastly, before posting, preferably first revert to the latest official release, to double check if the issue you’re seeing was present there as well. Regressions require a different treatment than other issues and bugs. And let us know if you did that, and what the difference is. A perfect report contains:

  • How its expected to work
  • How it doesn’t work as expected
  • Details on the system
  • What you’ve already tried to make sure its not a setting or other issue.

Please take note that that this works quite differently than it used to do on the old version of Community:

  • For a new issue, open a new topic. Instead of adding a new reply at the bottom.
  • To add to an already open issue, aka topic, reply to that. Or just upvote it if you have the same issue. This will help us a lot in determining its importance and manage our priorities.

Instructions 3 of 3: using Node-RED, Kevin’s GuiMods or other add-ons?

In case you are running Node-RED or SignalK, then please at least say so in your bug report.

Kevin’s GuiMods and other 3rd party add-ons: don’t report your gui issues here. Please do it elsewhere instead; and make sure to check out the related issue tracker first.

Changes made by us can cause a compatibility issue with the GuiMods; and these betas report pages are for official firmware only.

Change log

v3.50~5 and v3.50~6
New UI aka gui-v2

  • Fix Settings → ESS → Peakshaving switches not working as well as issue in Limit inverter power and similar “spinboxes” where they could end up in -1W when trying to set them to 0W.
  • Use BMS custom name in Device List even when BMS is off
  • Fix WiFi dongle not working (recent batches have an updated chipset), applies to CCGX WiFi module simple (Nano USB) / BPP900100200.

New UI aka gui-v2

  • Fix issue with the scan button in the Modbus TCP/UDP devices configuration menu. It didn’t work on GX Touch / Ekrano GX.
  • Overview page: fix all known issues related to grid/genset input
    • Make sure to always show grid/shore on top, genset below it
    • Fix which AC input to select/highlight
    • Fix (another) issue related to sometimes showing “Disconnected” while it shouldn’t
  • Update translations

Temperature senders

  • Fix issue where, depending on sensor type versus UI combination, it wasn’t possible to select temperature types other than Battery, Fridge or Generic. Fixed for all combinations and situations.


  • Fix peak shaving feature sometimes not working in system with Energy Meter + VE.Bus MultiPlus/Quattro system. This affects cases where the Multi is charging the battery, while other high loads such as EV-charging is also present.

Parallel Lynx Smart BMS & Lynx NG BMS functionality

  • Fix that while charging, the user interface sometimes shows an (outdated) Time To Go. Now it shows dashes again, as expected. (TTG is only valid while discharging)


New UI aka gui-v2

  • Ensure grid and genset meters are always shown, even when the inverter/charger is switched off.
  • Add ESS and Min SOC controls to Inverter/Charger control card for RS systems
  • Add has AC Out setting into system settings
  • Fix problem where vebus system reset button could end up to be disabled/unusable when loading the UI in a certain way.
  • Update translations

Marine MFD HTML5 app

  • Fix Remote Console (Classic UI) not working on Furuno MFDs since Venus OS v3.50 release.


  • Autoconfiguration for Batrium BMS “0xB038” profile, BatriumD. This includes enforcing DVCC on, and SVS on, and STS off.
  • Autoconfiguration for LBSA. DVCC on, SVS off, STS off
  • Fix two issues where an DESS error could be raised while there is actually no error.

Good day all, per just now we’ve made Venus OS v3.52~2 available for public testing.

It fixes a bug that was introduced per v3.50 wrt Remote Console (Classic UI) and Furuno Marine MFDs; and also (mostly) fixes the often reported issue related to grid showing as disconnected while its not in systems using energy meters.

And a bit more, please see details above.

And while on the topic of Marine MFDs and New UI, check out the two new slides we’ve added to the slide deck that explain what changed there. Its slides 30 and 31.

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Can I suggest on MFD to automatically show always the classical User Interface GUI 1 for Remote Console regardless of UI setting?

It is very important to be able to access to the Remote Console from MFD and this can solve the problem
Thanks for your precious work

Unfortunately that is only possible when having the Classic UI selected as the main UI.

There is a technical reason behind this, it wasn’t a deliberate choice.

For anyone to accessing Remote Console on the MFD itself is important, you’ll have to keep using the Classic UI on the GX Touch as well.

Hello all,

per just now out for public testing: Venus OS v3.52~4 beta.

Includes various further improvements to gui-v2 as well as few other features; details above.


Good day all,

Per earlier today a new beta version is available for field testing, Venus OS v3.52~6, which fixes a few bugs in the New UI. See above for details.

If all goes well then we’re expecting to make the official release for this in the upcoming week.

Have a good weekend, Matthijs


I can’t switch back to Classic UI on my CerboGX, it shows only a white screen.
Same, when trying using Classic UI on remote console.
Seams that Classic UI is not running on v3.52~6 beta.

Hi @kocki , we have not removed the Classic UI.

and I double checked it just now: the Classic UI works well here on Venus OS v3.52~6 on a Cerbo.

Perhaps you are running a modification, guimods?, and those are causing a problem?

Hi @mpvader you’re right, I’m running guimods, but now I can’t disable guimods to check it, because I can’t switch back to Classic UI.

Have you tried reverting to old FW:

On the old version v3.52~4 beta Classic UI is working, though guimods are inactive because incompatibility …

Back to latest version v3.52~6 beta Classic UI is not working again.

Some Romanian translation are not correct, in rest seems to be OK.

I had this long time, after upgrade of firmware - gui-v1 white screen. Reboot - worked.
Uninstalled all services, related to guimods as well as service installer - never had an issue since that.

It’s gui-v2 era now. Recommended

Personally I had to uninstall Guimods and SetupHelper before updating to v3.5x, it’s wiser

I see two strange behavour of the DESS functions since some time.
The system starts to discharge 1 hour too early. See below, it used 3.3 kWh between 05:00-05:59 ( it should have used that cheap time to charge instead ). I have several more morning dumps if you want.
During charge I also see some type of instability ( charge for 5-10 min, the discharge for some minutes, then charge again. )
If a set to “Keep batt. charged”, then is it stable.
Batt bank is 900 Ah, 48V., 3xMPII 5 kVA, MPPT 450/200, FW 3.52-6

Hi all, v3.52 has been released officially today. Thank you all for your feedback!


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