i am currently trying Diesel Heater from Autoterm to integrating in VenusOS (Node-Red).
I have two problems:
- the transmission of signals is not reliable.
- Commands to only start the heater, leave to crash VenusOS. Other Commands not.
Under other Raspberry Distrubitionen are have no problems.
In the 99-usb-serial.rules file, fix the usb-port from heater.
# Autoterm Planar USB/serial adapters
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{serial}=="ABSCDHT6", SYMLINK+="ttyUSB_autoterm", OWNER="root", GROUP="dialout"
Testfile Node-Red:
Autoterm Test VenusOS.json
Do any of you have the autoterm in operation with VenusOS?
System: Venus OS 3.52 testing an 3.4.x
Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB
Node-Red Logfile have no track Error
Best regards