I am having trouble with my VeBus Smart Dongle and Multiplus. When I use the app it says the Multiplus is initializing but when I use the MK3 usb interface it says inverting. Is the VeBus wired wrong ? I have a battery smart dongle so I don’t need battery information from the VeBus.
I just want to control the Multiplus setting for incoming amps and whether it is inverting or charge only. But I can only do it with the computer andnot the app. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Do you have the MK3 and the Ve Bus smart dongle plugged in at the same time?
Hello Justin
It does not seem to matter if the USB cable is plugged in or not the app still shows initializing.
How is it Wired?
I have the same problem and searching for answers I never find anything showing someone had this issue resolved. My dongle is installed correctly. It didn’t use to do this, and just started it this week.