This topic will be automatically deleted in 13 days

What does it mean?

That a moderator or admin considered that the content is worthless or irrelevant …

Already discussed here on Community feedback, but that topic was also deleted. :smile:

Ok, it is good to know that my problem or myself are worthless for Victron.

Didn’t say that… You are splitting the hair.
Matthias summarized in the other topic quite nicely what could be the problem…

I know what the problem is.
The problem is Victron and their silence.

When topics didn’t add to the quality of the community the trend on the old forum was to close them.
Here we have more options, this was described before.
We choose to leave them open to run their course after which they are removed or closed if they offer a benefit beyond the original poster.
That topic has run its course from a broader perspective. The alternative is the old methodology.
Or, it can be cleaned up leaving the salient points.

I understand.
Problem with communicating with Victron is not worth exploring and eventually improving.
Good to know.

This is the issue. You are not communicating with Victron. You are communicating with a broad community and volunteer moderators.
That we have access to staff is great, but it can also be a problem because it creates an expectation, and your expectations are respectfully off.

Closing topic after posts already answered elsewhere. I appreciate language is a barrier.
Original Topic also changed to close not delete.