Still experiencing peak shaving not working with v3.52

Hi all,

I’m experiencing system behavior that supposedly fixed in v3.52 release: from release notes → "Fix peak shaving feature sometimes not working in system with Energy Meter + VE.Bus MultiPlus/Quattro system. This affects cases where the Multi is charging the battery, while other high loads such as EV-charging is also present..

I limited import and export current to 25A for all phases in ESS peak shaving settings. When I charge my EV and charge my ESS battery at the same time unfortunately the current is not limited. I discovered I have been running 35A for a few hours. Luckily my net fuse did not melt…

I am running single Multiplus 2 (ESS assistant 018C) and connected BMS controlled battery (on phase one), an EM24 net meter and Cerbo GX with Venus OS v3.52 release.

Is the bug not fully solved or am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions?
