Solar won't run - unless genny charging too


I assume I have some setting wrong somewhere, because my solar system isn’t charging my batteries most of the time. Once a day, in full sun, it will do 0.01kW of energy, which isn’t enough to keep my power up, so I have a generator.
However, when I run the genny, the solar has produced around 200W consistently, today - even partly shaded.

It’s currently sat at 67V, 280W.

But if i don’t have the generator running, the solar will sit at 72V, and 0.00 W.

I’m using Pylontech batteries, a Cerbo-GX, Multiplus ii and lynx DC distributer.

Anyone have any ideas why this might be the case?
Or, even better, how to fix it?


Please describe your system more detailed.
Island/off grid or grid tied?
Which solar charger?
If you use a micro inverter, where is connected?
What type of generator AC or DC and where is it connected?
How many panels and which configuration / strings?

Thank you for replying

Island system
using the SmartSolar charger MPPT 150/45 rev3 Firmware 1.64
No micro inverter
Genny is AC, connected as though Grid (AC in:1)
4 panels, 1 string to get Voltage higher. (Limited roofspace on the boat)

Is the mppt connected to the cerbo? the settings of the mppt.