Smartsolar 100/20 : was there a 12/24v only (no 48v) in the past?


I am about to purchase a used Smartsolar 100/20 however I am surprised as the box shows 12/24v only, while victron shows 12/24/48

Box shows PN SCC110020060R, hardware rev 1.

Any clue if this is mislabeling, or old version that was not supporting 48v, or maybe 48v has been added by firmware update ?


Yes there was a version that could only be used for 12/24V.
That was a hardware limitation, there is no FW update to change that.


Ok thanks, so it means I shall be very careful when seeking for a used 100/20 unit (an I found the SCC110020060R reference on many sellers online displaying the 100/20 with 48v capacity).

It’s sad victron is always throwing away information of legacy products and not making things easy to follow their product lineup evolutions. (Maybe I did not find the correct location if such place exist ?). This would start by having the PN in their datasheets…

This would be so useful over time

I faced the same type of problems when I was studying the purchase of a Multi RS solar, which has been a 1 MPPT version before the current 2 MPPT version (with also some major differences due to later changes and related certifications that only the latest version will have)

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