MPPT RS 450 /100 availability

Hi All.
I have a Multiplus ii 5000/48 and a Cerbo GX.
Grid-connected (UK) with a Fogstar 15.5KWh Battery. JK BMS connected to Cerdo GX.
Also, have some Enphase Microinverters PV and an ET112 Energy Meter.
Very happy with everything. PV supplements overnight charging at a cheap rate.
The next phase is to add more PV. I plan to add an RS 450/100 with initially 1 string of 7 x 440w BF Trina Pannels, then a second identical string when some further roof work is complete.
However, my wholesale supplier tells me that Victron has put the RS 450/100 production on hold.
It looks like they have the RS 450/200 in stock; however, Iā€™m not likely to use four strings.
My understanding was the RS 450 is the most efficinet way to charge 48v Batteries from PV, as well as supply DC to an inverter.
Iā€™m aware there have been some issues with the MPPT RS 450/100ā€“ (HQ2216-HQ2236), but this was reported last year.
Loving my Victron kit and would prefer to stick with it. However with no date for production resuming its dificult to know what to do.
Can anybody provide any further information?


There is limited stock in the UK, i have not heard of any problems i have x3 of them.

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The TR model is not being produced/hasnā€™t been available but the MC4 model is available. I doubt there is stock anywhere of the 22 model

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There is TR Model here if your quick

RS 450/100 TR

Are there hardware differences beside tr and mc4? In other words: is the tr version outdated?
I would like to have a tr version too, but these are more expensive and I wouldnt buy outdated hardware.

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A little bit off-topicā€¦
Although itā€™s for RS450/200, maybe the RS450/100 is the sameā€¦
It seems that the MC4 version is having, for each channel, an on board ā€œfuse - dc surge protectionā€ pair.
See the discussion here.

Fotos below taken by Andrii Podanenko @podarok


Thank you! The data-sheet also says: MC4: 16A/tracker and Tr: 18A/trackerā€¦

Thanks All,
I have now found out from a couple of UK distributers (Midsummer and Volticon) that the RS 450 / 100 MC4 is on back order and is expected into the UK in November. The TR version has been discontinued. Would prefer to have the more modern product.
Iā€™m not concerned about the current reduction. Plan is 7 x Trina BF 440w panels on each string. The SPD setup will have 12A fuses anywhay. Higher voltage with lower current seems the way forward for efficiency anyway. Around 15meter cable run. We will be using PV ultra 6mm throughout. Having extra protection in the unit seems a good thing.
Happy VictrioningšŸ˜€

Thanks, not any more.
Whilst Volticon were (very slowly) putting a custom order together for me it was brought by somebody else. :man_shrugging:

Yep there are still a few about, do a search i did this morning and found a few still in the UK.
Good luck :+1:

Apparently the MPPT RS 450 100 TR has been discontinued however there is still some of this model availability online. Are they faulty ???. Or is it better to purchase the MC4 model.

Hi All,

There has been a tech note sent out to dealers and distributors of the MPPT RS 450/100 with more information.

We identified elevated failure rates under certain conditions such as close to the coast and where the unit was installed such that it was exposed to condensing salty humidity, or where there was conductive fouling, such as soot from genset exhaust gases.

The RS product manuals have been updated with more details to emphasise the necessary installation requirements.

Production and availability

As well as updating the installation guide, R&D are making changes to the design to improve reliability, including the MC4 models being the only models available once normal supply resumes.

For more specific information please contact your Victron dealer.


Hi Guy @guystewart

Can you enter a little bit in details?
Are the ones with longer strings (higher DC voltages) more susceptible?
Arcing failures by any chance?
Are the failures reported in the old forum (RS 450/100 - Up in smoke) part of this conclusion?

Considering the fact that Multi RS share the same hardware, are them susceptible of the same failure?


Hi @alexpescaru

There is more detail in the tech note that was sent to dealers.

I donā€™t think there is anything more official for the public announcement.

I donā€™t know what specific units were involved, I wasnā€™t much involved with it personally aside from forwarding on internally any serious failures, or ones where I think there might be a pattern posted in community.

I am still running my original 450/100 and other RS units myself from my workshop, as I am very far from the coast, in a clean & dry room.


I am also on a clean and dry room, but not so far from the coastā€¦
And I am a person that periodically is blowing with compressed air my computing equipments.
Is it necessary to also do this with the Multi RS? Although, last time I looked there was not so much dust insideā€¦
Thanks again!

PS. If I contact the dealer who sold me the Multi RS, can they share the tech note document?

Yes, I would recommend talking with your dealer for more info.

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As far as I know the complete RS range is affected.

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Just thought i have x3 tr models if one failed under warranty i would need like for like replacement as my solar cables would be very difficult to remove and replace.
How would this work for me and others i guess.

Thank you!
Iā€™ve sent an email to the people (dealer) who sold me the equipment.
If theyā€™ll ignore it, can I get the tech note from you?

If they canā€™t help directly, I would prefer it escalate through the normal channels via a support request - Need support? - Victron Energy

Itā€™s not sustainable for me to be more involved when there is a clear and specific process set up.

Iā€™m sympathetic that dealers donā€™t always make responding to these end user requests a priority, it is still the way it should go.

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