I would like to use SignalK data properties in node-red, for example information if boat engine is running.
I have checked @signalk/node-red-embedded, but it seems that this is only working if node-red is embedded into SignalK server, which is not the case on Cerbo (SignalK and NodeRed are independant services).
What is the correct way to access SignalK from NodeRed on Cerbo?
Or should I just use embedded NodeRed in SignalK and not Cerbo Large version? Can embeeded version access Victron nodes?
I have found out here that we cannot have SignalK nodes in Cerbo’s NodeRed and that SignalK embedded NodeRed will not have Victron nodes.
As I do not want to have two NRs running on same system, I was looking for alternatives.
I have found signalk-mqtt-push module that can push specific SignalK property into Cerbo MQTT. I have configured it to push propulsion.port.revolutions to MQTT and then I can use MQTT In node in NR.
Yes, you might be right that if you use SignalK that it is better to use embedded NodeRed and move all flows there and disable Cerbo’s Node Red. Just need to check if all Victron nodes work in embedded version and if embeded NR and its dashboard are then also accessible via VRM SignalK proxy.
I can confirm that SignalK with embedded NodeRed (signalk-node-red package) provides access to both SignalK nodes as well as Victron nodes (via @victronenergy/node-red-contrib-victron).
I have moved all my flows to SignalK’s NodeRed and have now disabled Cerbo’s NodeRed.
NR and NR dashboard are also accesible via VRM SignalK proxy.