Monitoring alternator output to starter battery before DC-DC charger
Not with a Victron SmartShunt, unless you have an isolated alternator fi Leece Neville 2824LC
It can be done, I have done it on my boat if you are absolutely sure that the only negative between the alternator/engine and the battery is the chassis ground. If you have a single alternator then the shunt will also see the starter current. On my boat, the starter and domestic alternators and power systems are separate so it only measures the one alternator. It could work if you know your wiring.
See my post in the old forum for ideas. I am successfully measuring the alternator output which is going to the battery in the chassis (hull in my case) ground.
Thank you for your comment,
I would like to avoid putting the engine starting current through the shunt. I am worried it will damage the sensing instrument.
Take a bmv712 with a 1000a shunt, but i think at 36v your starter will pull under 200A.
Check this, you can insert it in the plus wiring.
See answer on old community, starter current would not be an issue.
I ready It bit my shunt is only a 100A. I originally purchased it since my alternator can only produce 90 A. The starting current exceeds 100 Amp momentarily.