Shunt Issues

Hey All

So ive been a visiting member of this community for some time ive just never registered as ive always managed to find what i was looking for but this time im struggling

So i have a pretty complete victron setup.
CerboGX, Touch, Tank Module, Power In, Distributor & Shunt, Solar, B2B Chargers, LifePO4 Charger, Multiplus the list goes on

the issue im having is with the shunt for some reason i can not for the life of me get it to display the correct % on the touchn50

so i basically have 2x 12V 280AH lifePO4 (Echo-Worthy) ive tried so many different settings and reset my controllers back to default as i just cant get it to work ive been messing around for maybe 8/9 weeks and now im about to give up and thought id ask if anyone has anything similar to my setup which they have working and wouldnt mind posting settings

I hope you all have a happy new year :slight_smile:


Are the batteries in series or parallel

Is the shunt also set as a battery monitor?

Why don’t you just show us your shunt settings …

The 80% error here is that the shunt is not the only connection to the battery minus.

So the batteries are are individually connected to the lynx power in module so I think this makes them parallel

The shunt was set to battery monitor mode and I can post the settings but as stated I’ve reverted it back to factory settings in the hope someone may have a copy and paste solution

Please post a precise drawing of the wiring.

then you have a 12V 560Ah LipoFe Bank

Take a photo of the shunt connection … see comment above, incorrect connections often occur here …

Both batteries connect from positive to positive on the power in bus bar of the power in module and the same with the negative

All the lynx distribution boxes are joined using the bay bar screws

So I have 2x 280ah batteries and both sets of batteries have there own leads to connect to busbar

I’ll get a photo tomorrow but I’ve built a box to stack the batteries and all the victron equipment on the outside of the box

In the mean time go to the diy FAQ page below, this has links to several common issues, the 2nd and 3rd links cover common problems with shunts.

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this is the setup i have not been out to the van this morning to get a photo

the only difference in the photo is i have a lynx power in rather then 2x distributors

Looks good, but please check that in reality also no loads/chargers are connected left of the shunt.

Especially the MINUS wiring !

So all the chargers / solar should be connected to the right side of the shunt ?

im sure at the moment everything is connected to the power in side,

ie solar output, b2b charger and main charger all connected to the power in side.

So ive just double checked and i had my solar and B2B charger were connected to the power in side, ive since changed this to the distribution side and im hoping this will resolve the issue as i have noticed when everything is now off the power at 0w 0a where as before it would sit at -1a or something silly like that

i will check back in a few days and let you know how ive gotten on…

ive also just changed the UI interface to the new one and i love it :slight_smile: