Hi there, i have a victron ESS system and recently added a victron ev charger. Normally i try to grab as muchvas i can of the cheap off ev rate electric between 2am and 6am.
Last night was cold in Ireland and with the batteries and car charging and with the air2water heating, it tripped the incoming mcb. It reached about 16kw.
How can i set a limit for the ev charger or multiplus in the cerbo so it trottels the draw to avoid this again
I’m not sure if there’s a setting for this yet.
I havent upgraded my system for awhile but needed this feature.
I use node red. Here’s some pseudo code. I can give exact code if you want/need it. This also assumes you’d want to turn down the car rather than the ESS charging?
if(gridUsage > 14000){
evChargerAmps = evChargerAmps - 1000/240; //reduce car charging by circ 1000w
gridLimiting = true;
} else if(gridUsage <= 14000 && gridLimiting) {
evChargerAmps = max(14000, evChargerAmps + 1000/240); //increase car charging by circ 1000w
if (evChargerAmps === 14000){
gridLimiting = false;
return evChargerAmps; //will need to ronud this number and pass into evCharger.