Second (starter) battery not displaying on dashboard

How do I get my second smart shunt on my starter batteries to display on VRM dashboard?

System set up - battery measurements - make it visible there.

Omg you’re a legend! It works!
Can you get it to display the temperature sensor connected to it as well?

Lol. Can’t tell you how hapoy inwas to discover it.

Depends on what t sense where the t sense is connected to how it displays.

Ruuvi gets its own box on the dash.
Battery temp can be on the battery widget.
Sometimes though it can only be shown in advanced.

It’s a second smart shunt, connected to the starter batterys. It has the correct temperature sensor connector to the positive of the battery.

Also, now it shows up on VRM ( thanks to you) is it able to display on the brief or main page on the cerbo GX screen itself anywhere?

Not likely on the brief. Usually that is reserved for main battery.
Probably only under the device list.
I will be honest haven’t played with it recently on the new GUI.

Sweet thanks anyway. Not really a biggie if it’s not on the cerbo UI .
At least it works on VRM now, that was my main goal.
It would be good to have the temp and stuff on it though.