Running on batteries and then hooked up to shore power and drawer a full 12,000 watts

Hello I am new here so I have a 12,000 watt system I ran on batteries for 24 hours. Battery was at 56% when hooked up to shore power and instead of slowly charging my system it took the 12,000 watt straight from the power grid for about 30 mins to charge my battery. This is the first time it has done it and I am having troubles pin pointing the problem. Any help would be grateful. Thanks Ted

You looking for limit the power from shore to not blow any fuses by ex. 16A ?

Can be limited by Grid limit 6-63A or Limit the Charge/Discharge of Battery current.

I did not blow any fuses. But truth is why it happened or is this normal for it to rapid charge my batteries. I am running a 24 volt system with 12 280 amp hour lithium batteries. I have 2 victron 5,000 watt inverters and I am running 4 2,000 watt solar panels and all of the other stuff fuses ever where with circuit breakers from solar panels and for batteries

If ESS not activated and should not be in a boat ofcourse, The system will charge at maximum to fill battery fast ass posible if you leave the shore again.

Set the Grid limit to lower settings if needed or set charge limit to protect batteries in range of capability.

12 x 280AH 4,2V cells 6S2P the 500A charge current seams to be a bit high
Or 12x 24V lithium batteries the charge current is only 83A and is in spec?

It would be helpful to know more system details.
How is the system programmed?

If you do want to avoid it in the future then program the inverters to use less amps from grid in the charger tab.