RS Multi 46/6000/100 Battery Monitor Menu missing

The manual for the RS Multi shows a battery monitor sub-menu within the battery settings.

This menu is missing from both the Victron connect demo and a unit in the field (has the latest firmware)

Does anybody have any more information on how to adjust the built in battery monitor?
I have a system that is dropping from 85%SOC to 4.8% SOC in the space of 2 min. Voltage drop is from 52.8V to 52.2V in this period

You have to enable expert mode.
Option is slightly above your settings screenshot.

Thanks fore the reply. Any idea why it would drop from 85%SOC to 4.8% SOC in 2min? A Smartshunt wouldn’t operate that way, I was wondering if the battery monitor in the RS has a a low voltage a equivalent to the “charged voltage”

No idea. Never seen that happen.