Quattro stopped for insufficient battery charge level

Hello everyone.

On a three-phase installation with 3x Quattro 10 KW + SMA inverter + BYD LVL 15.4 batteries, I experienced a charging incident that caused the Quattro to stop due to insufficient battery charge (46.9 V). BYD allows operation down to 40 V. Since I don’t have an AC source available at this site nor active solar charging while the Quattro is stopped, I need to adjust the minimum battery voltage to restart the installation.

Even though CGX correctly detects the stopped Quattro, I cannot connect to the Quattro using the VE Configurator. How can I modify the minimum battery charge level without VE, or how can I use VE with the Quattro off, or any other ideas to restart the installation?

Thank you!

You need to charge your batteries.
And no they do not discharge to 40v.
The bms has shut down the system.
You have a need to black start recover. Is the battery still on - if the ccgx is on then so is the battery? You can either wait letting dc solar charge up or add power to the ac input 1

If it is programmed as per the guide, the voltage on the bank will need to be above a certain voltage to allow restart.

To force an on condition. Remove all load and switch off and on in the ccgx under the inverter on the system. (Sometimes the physical button can be used but you shouldnt on a three phase) Might work might not it will depend on the bms which knows the actual state of your battery bank and the progamming.

As a further fyi, a small dc mppt is a good addition to an ac PV coupled offgrid system for this exact scenario.