Problems connection to VRM MQTT Broker with MQTT Explorer

lately I have problems, connecting to the VRM MQTT-broker using MQTT Explorer. I am running Venus OS v3.52 on raspberry pi. In Remote Console I have the following settings:

Network Security Profile: Unsecured
Remote support: on
VRM online portal - VRM portal: Full
Use secure connection (HTTPS): on
Services - MQTT Access: on

I can login to the local MQTT broker without problems.

Today I tried to connect to the VRM MQTT broker with MQTT Explorer. I recalculated my MQTT broker address (same result as before):
I downloaded the certificate file from GitHub - victronenergy/dbus-flashmq: Plugin for FlashMQ that interfaces between DBUS and MQTT. and imported it into MQTT Explorer.

When pressing “Connect” there is no error message and it seems to connect, but no topics are visible, not even the SYS topics:

If I change e.g. the broker address to mqtt119.victron… then MQTT Explorer doesn’t connect and gives a timeout. Does anyone have an idea, what the problem could be?

I saw the discussion about the self signed certificates here: Where to get CA certificate for Venus SSL self-signed certificate. Not shure, if this has anything to do with my problem.

Thanks in advance

Did you send keepalives to the installation? Otherwise it doesn’t send anything. See:

Yes, tried that also. But I also don’t see for example the #SYS topics from the broker itself. These should always be visible…
But thanks for the idea.