Overload L1 warnings for Furnace Blower start remedies

I’ve got a Multiplus 12/2000VA/120V that I mostly use as a nice UPS for my computer setup, home wifi, etc. I also installed a manual transfer switch for critical appliances like refrigerator, furnace blower, other small draw circuits.

I’ve got a smartshunt and cerbo GX as well. Power Queen 12v 200AH Plus LifePo4. Using 2/0 AWG battery cables.

During testing, when the furnace blower motor kicks on, the inrush current peaks, and I get an Overload L1 Warning and a low battery warning which both resolve immediately. I know why this is happening, but would prefer to either quiet the warnings, or better yet install some type of soft starter to prevent this from happening altogether. The warnings throw emails, so there’s a half dozen emails every 10 mins when the furnace cycles.

While I may have wrapped my head around the configuration/setup process originally, everything seems spread out with some configuration in the online portal, some via cerbo, some via the mk3-USB configurator. So if there’s a better setting lurking in there, I’m not sure exactly where it would be.

Question 1: Is there some better setting, besides simply disabling warnings, to quiet those very temporary overload messages?

Question 2: Is there some off-the-shelf DIY-friendly 120vac-compatible, fairly low current furnace blower soft-starter that I can install?

Lastly, my SOC is wildly off, reporting 5-26% too low, despite setting the capacity, etc. Again, am not sure where to configure this, or what settings to use, via bluetooth VictronConnect app with the SmartShunt?

Question 3: What battery settings should I use to get more accurate SOC reports including time to go?

Appreciate the help!

Hi, all firmware versions before 552 are very unstable with inductive loads.

What version are you using ?

Pls post your battery data and smartshunt settings.

“all firmware versions before 552 are very unstable with inductive loads.”

Is this specific to the 12/2000/120V or are you saying this is across the VE.Bus line? I’ve not had instability with inductive loads within the specs listed in the datasheets. But I’ve also never sold or installed a 2kVA Multi. I’m sincerely interested in what you mean. Thanks!

Imho all multi and quattro.

I believe it’s version 502.

Product MultiPlus 12/2000/80-50 120V
Firmware version 502
Last connection 15 minutes ago
Product id 2764
VE.Bus connection VE.Bus
Hardware configuration Single unit
VRM instance 276

Here’s the smart shunt settings from VictronConnect app if those are what you’re asking:

What battery data are you looking for?

This is the one I’m using:


The Smartshunt is default lead acid settings.

Set your charged voltage to 0.2V below your charger absorption setting (14.2V if you charge at 14.4V). Set Peukert to 1.05 and charged efficiency to 99%. Discharge floor is usually 10% and towards the bottom set to.keep SOC on reset.


Most alarms on VRM can be set with a delay time so the alarm condition has to remain in the alarm state for whatever time you set before it raises the alarm and sends the email. I have say 30sec delays on some of mine that can spike so I only get genuine ones.

Ok, so upgrade to 552…

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Ok thanks @Ludo for the firmware upgrade advice… upgraded to 552 and will re-test to see if there’s any improvement. Also upgraded the MK3, the cerbo gx, and the smartshunt.

Really appreciate the settings guidance from @pwfarnell. I can’t, however, find any place to adjust those alarm delays. I’ve checked VictronConnect Multiplus settings accessed via MK3-USB, the remote console via cerbo, including the cerbo generic settings, and the multiplus specific-settings (including alarm setup). Do you know where those settings are, and which method I use to access them?

The fact that the settings for multiple devices across the same system aren’t integrated in a single place, single interface, or single connection method doesn’t make it easy for novices like me.


The alarms I referred to are in VRM as was stated clearly in the comment. I raised it because it is VRM that sends the emails.

In VRM, get the menu to show by clicking on the 3 lines icon, click on “Settings” and then “Alarm Rules” to get to the VRM rules. Then under most alarms you put a value in the box “Notify after (seconds, maximum 600)”.


Perfect, thanks for your patience and help!

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