I recently replaced (2) Orion Dc-Dc 30a 12v Isolated chargers with (2) Orion Xs 50a chargers and am very happy with the output.
However, I have a Simarine 300a shunt between my combined generators (3 solar mppts, 2 orions) and my bus bar.
Since the Orion XS is non-isolated (shares a ground) how do I shunt the output on the negative side?
I am not familiar with the Simarine shunt, but if this were a Victron shunt then the system should work like in the diagram below. I only have my tablet with finger drawing at the moment but it should suffice. The batteries obviously now have a common negative and this could be direct or via ground point, both cases are shown and the shunt goes in the common cable. The balance ground cable goes to the source battery side. The negative charging current flows between the 2 batteries via the shunt.
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I was finally able to double-check this install and it is done as per your diagram.
The shunt is on the “Charged Battery” side, along with a few other MPPTS that DO register charging on the Simarine shunt. Both banks share a common negative point and a common ground.
This baffles me now!
I’d also like to add that the shunt I am referring to combines the output of multiple charge sources that do register current (but not include the Orion XS) from a small negative bus bar TO the shunt that measures combined input charge then TO my main negative bus bar.
From the main negative bus bar I have a ground wire that connects my main negative bus bar to the engine source battery negative post (ties them in, no?).
At the negative post, there is a connection that goes to my engine, thereby grounding the system.
Is this correct or have I just found a possible double ground connection? hmmmm…
Can tell from the description, a drawing goes a long way to sorting this out, but multiple hull / chassis / negative connections can make for bypass paths.