Hi, I have just installed an Orion XS in a campervan and it’s working and charging the leisure batteries, but I’m seeing something strange which seems like either a bug or a defect in my unit.
Every now and then the output current seems to drop for a short while (maybe a few minutes) from ~50A to more like 40-45A, but the figures in the app interestingly still show ~50A.
I only noticed as I have a BMV 712 shunt and that was reporting ~40A of charge going into the leisure batteries, when the output current of the XS was showing 50A. I was driving at the time with pretty much everything in the van off so was confused as to what loads could be drawing 10A. Checking with an amp clamp showed that the actual current that the XS was producing was in fact only ~42A and the shunt was correct. The XS was actually taking in and putting out much lower current but displaying incorrect values in the app.
I have been able to reproduce this several times now. If I turn off all loads in my camper apart from the XS and BMV shunt then I see in Victron Connect that initially the XS shows 50A output and the shunt agrees showing batteries charging with close to that value. After an indeterminate amount of time though the shunt drops to maybe ~43A with the XS showing no change (i.e. it was still showing 49.6A input and 50.10A output in one test). Testing with an amp clamp confirmed the XS was wrong and the actual current shown by the shunt was correct. After another period of time, a few minutes maybe, the current picked up again.
Turning the Orion off and on again made it work normally for a while, and also limiting the current to below 48A I haven’t been able to reproduce the same problem yet either. I wonder if there is some throttling going on at some point, but the figures displayed by the app are not reflecting that?
I have firmware version 1.06.
Does this sound like a hardware defect with my unit, a firmware bug, or something else?