Orión XS output voltage,rises to above 16v on a 12v system

My new Orión XS immediately raises a 12v battery to over 16v before I quickly turn it off. The input battery is a LFP and the output battery a sealed LA.
I’ve discovered that this only happens when the Orion is connected to a Cerbo GX and DVCC is enabled. Disabling DVCC makes the problem go away.
My dealer has said he has seen this issue before but doesn’t propose a solution. Is there a solution to this?

Firstly, ensure the firmware is the latest. If the output battery is disconnected when this happens, then see page 25 in the manual on interpreting a higher V (Effects when a battery is disconnected) and also remote sensings topics. Please also post the device settings, all system components and readings taken with e.g. a multimeter at the various points in the system for readers to have something to work with. Also make sure equalisation is disabled until you have the manufacturer’s recommendations for your LA battery.

All firmware is the latest version.
Output battery is never disconnected in these circumstances.
Orion XS behaves as expected when DVCC is disabled.
I cannot find any way of disabling battery equalisation in the software.


What other devices do you have in the system and what are the DVCC settings? For clarity, is this a vehicle install and is the LA a starter battery or is the LFP the starter battery? Change to expert mode and adjust to see if that makes a difference.

A boat install. LFP is house bank which is charging the LA starter battery.
DVCC settings: SVS and SCS are enabled. STS is disabled.
Not sure what I can usefully change on the Orion, even in Expert mode as I believe DVCC takes over and overrides these settings anyway.

See thread, specifically:
"When the OrionXS is configured as charger and DVCC is enabled on the GX system, the output of the OrionXS should be connected to the main battery that is controled by the GX system. The reason is that it is being controlled by the GX system and following the charge state that is used for the main battery. When the output is connected to a secondary battery, either DVCC should be disabled, the OrionXS VE.Direct needs to be disconnected from the GX system or the OrionXS should be set to power supply mode (when possible as it then no longer follows a charge cycle but outputs a fixed voltage).

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen"


All understood now. Thank you.

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