Orion XS Not Working

Hi Guys,
Got an Orion XS which seems to have suddenly failed.

Was working perfectly fine while driving then suddenly I lost power as the Lithium BMS shut the whole system off.
After a bit of investigating and process of elimination I have narrowed it down to the Orion XS.
It did not blow the fuse, I assume this is because the Lithium BMS reacted very quick and shut the system off.
But when I tried to connect the Output to the battery it would spark (BMS would shut off).

It looks like the Output has shorted to ground internally.
Input is fine and as long as the input is connected I can connect via the App. No error or anything is showing.

Anyone seen this? or know what’s going on?

Hi have you run through the troubleshooting guide below?
5. Troubleshooting & Support (victronenergy.com)

If still no joy time to RMA it if under warranty,

Yes, unfortunately nothing to help my situation.

I’ve put a multi meter between IN & GND which is okay, but OUT & GND and it’s shorted internally.
No burnt smell or anything like that.

I’ve sent it back, be interesting to see what comes out of it.

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have you done an Update on 1.07? My Orion XS and many others had a defect afterwards.
Check the other posts.

I replaced 2 Orion 12/12/30 with 2 orion XS, they worked perfectly during 21 days but after the same day I saw the message #161 short circuit…
Impossible to re started after unplugging. I returned the Orion XS and my old 12/12/30 are back :disappointed:, not at all efficient but work…

There are a few reports about that in the last few days.
There seems to be a problem with the Orion XS HW and/or the newer FW.
I already forwarded that to Victron but I guess it will take a few days to get a response.
(due to holiday season/weekend)

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Is there a fix for this? My 50amp stated a false short circuit and will not reboot even leaving all power disconnected for 5 mins+ all happened after firmware update from 1.06 to 1.07

It probably did get updated to 1.07, I do like to update everything as soon as it’s available…

My new one is on 1.07, no issues yet.
Also haven’t heard back regarding the original unit.


Not yet. Sometimes a downgrade to 1.05 helped. But if it is damaged inside, it won‘t help.

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I was lucky. When my 2nd Orion XS (with V1.07) started with klicking noises (after running about 2 hours), I turned it off very quickly.

It seems, the hardware was not damaged: after downgrade to V1.05, now everything is OK again. Of course my first Orion XS with V1.07 died completely after klicking too long.

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Hi All,

The Orion R&D team is working on another firmware update to fix the issues described here for some users with v1.07.

Until that is released if you are experiencing issues, please roll back to v1.06. Details on how to roll back to a self-supplied firmware file from Victron Professional are available here.

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Thanks Guy,
My Victron dealer contacted me yesterday to confirm a replacement unit is on its way.

I’ve got another unit in the car now and it’s on 1.07, if it’s working fine I’m assuming there’s no need to roll back?

There’s a new version v1.08, I would roll back or update to that. V1.07 has a potential unit killing bug!

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Updating to v1.08 now.

Everyone who is on v1.07 should now update to v1.08.

  • If your Orion XS failed it should proceed with the normal RMA process.
  • If your Orion XS is still working and is running v1.07, then you just need to update it to v1.08.

Most users will still be on v1.06 and don’t need to do anything for now. v1.06 is still the version that is shipped with VictronConnect, so most will be in this category unless they manually updated.

There is some more information here - Orion XS firmware v1.08 - improved reliability - Victron Professional


I am running 1.06 and having the same issues he mentioned
It started happening right after I upgraded to it
If I disconnect both batteries. It will reset and start working again

One of my two Orion XS 50’s has came up with a error #120 after about 2 months of use. My second one is fine. Both were on 1.07, the working one is now on 1.08, when this happeend. I tried removing the cables from the affected unit and hooked it back up, but it still errors. I was able to update to 1.08, but yet no luck. I think I will have to RMA when we get back to the US in April.