Numbers ess are off

Em 540 meter, 3 phase mp2, etc… numbers on control panel are often way off, any explenation for this?
(System seems to work fine though)

Start your view in the new UI / view


maybe the next screen … “overview”

Which value would be ‘correct’ … perhaps according to the grid meter?

The net metering is correct, the ac load value often is not.

How are your loads distributed? Ac In / Ac Out or both …
what surprises me is the higher value at AC Out … although no more is ‘coming in’ …
The Fronius is not working at the moment either …

Is the Em540 configured correctly … although these values should be correct ?

Do you have the ESS assistant on all 3 multis?

I think something is wrong with L3.

In the picture above from the old console, you can see that the approx. 1100W (L3) from Fronius is not being used to reduce the load on L3.
On the contrary … these are even fed in although L3 ‘would’ have a load of just over 3 kw.

All on AC out
EM540 is just hooking up the wiring, no setup as far as i know. The netmetering is also correct, its the ac out that seems off.
Fronius is not working as there is no sun atm
Yes, ESS assistant on all multi’s.
I have no idea what the issue can be. I can imagine small numbers off can be normal, but a few 1000 W

What does the system “say” under net metering …
internal or external meter ?

Do you still have loads on the DC side?

External meter

No loads at dc side

I would now switch off everything at the AC Out and see what the meters do. Are they at 0 because there are no loads on? Not today, of course … It’s dark and then there’ll be trouble with the wife :wink:

This would of course be easier with a current clamp …

Hi @jee , probably I have the same problem , but had been having no response to my questions. Thanks to @Netrange I am following now your case. In my case, I use an external Meter to measure the grid, because I have both loads on the input and output side of the Quattros (3x 48/15000 installed)

I have just updated the firmware of cerbo. Attached the situation currently. Without the solar part it seems to add up correctly, although still 500 W is missing…

Tomorrow I will check with solar (Fronius is connected to AC-out of the quattros) then it was becoming weird.

Hi, i also have all the latest firmware, but no avail…

The numbers in the web ui are normal, but on remote screen they are not. :thinking:


Hi @jee I think I am close to find a solution. And maybe looking at your first picture you might have the same problem. The L1 and L3 seems in your case to be swapped on the output. I have the similar issue with L2 and L3. I will go to the site this week and swap the L2 and L3 current sensors on the meter, see how it goes.

I just checken everything, l1 and l3 on output are like they should be. I switched them to be sure, and the issue remains.
I have found though, that on the vrm main page, compared to the remote console, the l1 and l3 value seems to be switched? Dont know if this is possible


Check the wiring on the meters/cts. It is likely not connected the right way there.

Triple checked the wiring at the meter again, but it is correct.
Anyway, to try, i swapped l1 and l3 at the main meter (em540), but then the whole system shuts down.
Returned it back to the state before.

L1 and l3 on the out are most or the time almost identical, while l3 on the in is a lot lower
