For the last 24 hour’s or so, my data graphs have gone blank and i also can’t scroll back to the days when it was showing the graphs.
I haven’t touched the system settings for several days, so what could be causing the sudden lack of graph information?
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Did you try reboot the GX?
No i haven’t, but i will give it a go and report back.
I rebooted the cerbo but its made no difference.
Still blank and the history is gone too.
The real time area above showing production and consumption is working fine, its just the graphs that have disappeared. I was wondering if its an online cloud issue on victron’s side but i think its just me having this problem.
It looks like it. But a weird thing i did have an issue for a few days on a site about 2 weeks ago. I thought it was an issue on the install site (internet is not stable). The issue resolved itself after a few days.
So it is interesting it has happened to you as well.