New 3-ph Multiplus 2 3000 installation constantly sucking from GRID on 1 of 3 phases (with other two weirdly SYMMETRICAL)

me and my friend - We have same installation - 3x MP2 3000 + 14kWh Pylontech batteries US300C and Victron MPPTs + 10kWp panels, ESS mode. (The only difference is that I have approx 40m of cable between Mlutiplus and my house. He has Multiplus in his house.)

But the installation of my friend misbehaves all the time - it is constantly sucking power from GRID (while battery is charged) on one phase, while sending power to the grid on the other two phases SYMETRICALLY (please see pictures below. Last picture is my installation behaving corretly, first two is his - misbehaving installation. Both during the night. ).
The issue is, he is sucking 1-2kWh from grid (even with full battery) every day!
What’ going on there?

Thank You

L2 on picture is probably refrigerator (approx 100W consumption causing 70W sucking from grid. But other consumers do the same thing). “Grid setpoint” is set to 0W (but he tried -10W also with no success)

The corresponding setups are in DeviceList->Settings->ESS->GridSetpoint.
Negative Values feed to Grid, positive consumes power from grid.
Asymmetrical load is normal. If you have reasons for symmetrical loads (generator) you might choose this in same menu with Multiphase Regulation->Total/Individual. The individual regulation for symmetric loads shows a lower efficiency as inverters and chargers have to distribute asymmetric loads.

Grid setpoint needs to have some distance for regulating what depends from the load size. To avoid any power purchase you need to have save distance of about 100 Watts or more.

This issue is not about ASYMMETRIC (symmetrical in a way - L2 is 2x higher then L1 and L3) LOAD, but Asymmetric GRID FEED (during the night!). Look at the first graph.
Grid feed should be basically zero (it is set to 0W) during the night (graph descibes “night time” between 0:00 and 4:00). But L2 is 70W, and both L1 and L3 are around -30W during the time the fridge is turned on.

Looked again on “Multiphase Regulation->Total/Individual” - You may be right…
I’ll check what is his (my friend’s) setting…
Thank You Janvi

Thank You Janvi, You were right - he had “Total” there.
We need “Individual” in Czech Republic, because We have metering of each phase individually and “Total” adds some cost for us…

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