I got a self made Island system (no feeding to grid)with an
EasySolar II GX
Build in Smart Solar 250/100
Additional Smart Solar MPPT VE.Can 150/85 rev2
SmartShunt 500A
And at this pont a bunch of vrla lead acid batteries
Anyone knows why there is no connection shown ?
Has this any impact on my system ?
Could this be because i am in Island mode with no grid feed in ?
And no ESS Assistant?
Hi @Andi01
That’s as it should be with your Pb batteries. The ‘Standalone’ thing means the mppts are making their own charging decisions. If you were to move to Victron-compatible managed batteries, they would show Yes for Networked, and the fields there would show the BMS has taken charge.
With several ‘Smart’ devices in your system, resist the temptation to network them via bluetooth. That’s not recommended on a wired system, and weird things may happen.
Ok i undestand, thanks for your answer.
In near future i will go with Pytes E-BOX or with Smart batteries from Victron. I only have the vrla batteries because my employer reneewed his UV System and i have taken the old batteries
So that means i should go to victron connect app and turn of the bluetooth connection from my smartshunt and the smart solars ?
After that, will the victron connect app still show all of my devices when i connect trough the network ?
It’s ok to use bluetooth to access the individual devices if you prefer that for the convenience. But don’t Network them together. That sort of networking is for users who have no GX device.
On the old Community platform there were very many ‘quirks’ reported and traced back to this double networking. Like having a car with two steering wheels…
A specific example might be DVCC in a wired system set to provide a systemwide V, then a bt network may find a different V priority. And you may not even be aware of it in a case like that.
Victron spend a lot of time on firmware and coding development. Testing doesn’t include testing both networks together, so untested code glitches could even occur.
It’s not recommended. Though some users may say it works for them, they’re using something untested. And usually unnecessary anyway.