Multiplus settings for lithium

victron settings 18 1 25.TXT (1.8 KB)

Can someone have a look at these settings and advise if they are right.
It’s bulk charging at the moment and never goes into absorbtion. The bulk charge voltage should be 28.8 but I don’t know how to set it.
It’s charging at 56A; should it not charge at 70?
The generator is sending 238V to the Multiplus. Should that be 230V

Voltage regulator might be a hair high on the generator but nothing to be concerned about

As for the charge current, do you happen to have an input current limit set? By the looks of that screenshot I would almost suspect maybe the input current limit is set to 10a.

Another thing to try is checking the “weak a/c input”, I know with my unit if I start loading up the generator too much with the multiplus charger it would start doing weird things without that box selected.

There is not current sense/shunt on the battery side on the MP1. It is sort of donw with maths.

Take a clamp meter and test it that way.

If the bank it taking 56A it is very much in bulk. A long way to go to get to absorption especially since you have 600Ah capacity.

The absorption voltage is really dependent on what your battery manufacturer recommends.
28.8v is what mine is set at, but some are 28.2-6v

238v is in the inverters capability.