Multiplus Inverter 3 Phase - Inverter becoming OFF sometimes after few seconds


We are using Multiplus Inverter charger 48/5000/70 in 3 phase configuration. Inverter is connected to CGX via VeBus and our RTU is connected to CGX via Ethernet (Modbus - TCP). We are facing an issue of Inverter becoming OFF automatically without any OFF command from our RTU.

From our logs we have the following information:

13:18:20 - Our RTU requires the INVERTER to turn on

13:18:20 - Our RTU writes a command to register 33 (Switch Position) to turn the INVERTER on

13:18:21 - We read via MODBUS that register 33 (Switch Position) has a value of 3 (On)

13:18:30 - We read via MODBUS that register 33 (Switch Position) has a value of 4 (Off). We did not write any command

I’m wondering why we would read a value of 4 at time 13:18:30 , without any command being sent to the INVERTER . We have observed the same behaviour on 4 separate instances in the same day. On an average we will switch on the inverter 30-40 times.

Can anyone suggest what could be the possible reason for inverter becoming OFF without any command from RTU. From our observation it don’t look like there is any overload trip etc.