Multiplus II CEC Approved - Firmware?

As of 23/08/2024 Multiplus-II 48/3000/35-32 and 48/5000/70-50 are CEC approved to AS4777-2 2020, according to one local wholesaler’s website there is a firmware upgrade for this but I’m unable to log in to their dealer only portal to learn more.
I’ve been unable to find any other information about this elsewhere.

Anyone else know about this firmware upgrade for CEC approval?

Certificates can be found on the Victron product pages.,-AS-IEC-62477.1,--AS-NZS-4777.2-MultiPlus-II-48V-8kVA-10kVA-230V.pdf

Thanks, but I wasn’t enquiring about the certificate. I was enquiring about a supposed necessary firmware upgrade for CEC approval.
Also, the certificate you linked does not cover the subject models. (There is no certificate for these models, yet, even though CEC lists them as approved)

It is always a good place to start if. If you actually looked you would find which refers firmware 2623495 on the certificate and the firmware has been updated many times. So ensure you have the latest firmware and you should be fine. Why not approach the supplier who posted it?

Thanks for the attitude.
I did look that certificate, it is old and is not applicable to the current CEC approval.

Is someone less condescending able to advise?

Have you approached the local Victron sales manager or supplier who posted this information?

You’ll probably find that the ‘firmware’ needs are related to newer Grid Codes. The last time I looked there were several available for AS/NZS, and probably relate to different area requirements. You’ll need to speak to a dealer to find out what’s needed.

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ESS & Solar Solutions that

  • cater for the keen DIY’er, seasoned system installer or households
  • provides tailored premium Victron blue powered energy storage and solar systems

does not know anything about this firmware needed for CEC compliance?

If yes, kindly please show us a reference for that and/or a link for download.

The same kind request is true for any Victron expert that visits this community.

Thank you in advance!

News overview
UL, CSA and Australian CEC approval

October 2nd, 2018
Australia’s CEC approved the Quattro 15k. The MultiPlus 12V and 24V have passed UL1741 and CSA certification. We continue the story of Simo and Lucia on their trip around the world with their Victron equipped truck. And be sure to check the list of updated documentation, certificates, training and exhibitions.

Australian CEC approval for MultiPlus-II

September 13th, 2018

Its from 2018. Check the specific product page for compliance certificates. Or the certificate [download page](

Not applicable to the market I operate in and I provided the link to the 2 documents mentioning AS4777-2 2020 certificate valid until 2028 and even firmware version applicable. He did not mention his market either so, why not simply check with the local supplier he mentioned and where he obtained the information from in the first place as a starting point?

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Yes. The supllier has stirred the waters definitely, will definitely need to quantify what they mean to their market. Probably just a marketing strategy

The ‘supplier’ is a wholesale importer. They do not deal with individuals/public. Dealers only.
My ‘dealer’ is a reseller. Zero technical knowledge.

Everyone, please…
If you KNOW about this software update for CEC approval, As of 23/08/2024, no earlier, then please reply.
If you DO NOT KNOW, please, DO NOT REPLY.
Thank you.

Hi Simon,

I’m a Victron installer in WA, I deal with Batteryworks based in Brisbane for all my Victron gear who only deal with installers. They offer brilliant support and are very much in the loop with the updates for the new AS4777-2:2020 CEC listing.

The CEC approval for grid connect is only for the yet to be released AU model that will be labelled something like this- MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50 230V AU (AS4777-2 2020). Batteryworks have told me they will re-label the inverter with the AU suffix and update the firmware which needs to be done by suppliers like themselves with special software to make the inverter behave as per Appendix M of AS4777-2 2020 which is for standalone operation.

In WA we only have one DNSP(Western Power) who are approving the MPII AU model(3 & 5kVA only) in standalone mode up to 10kVA per phase with the entire load on the output side of the inverter. Nothing connected upstream of the grid input at all. Other stipulations are max 3kW battery charge rate from the grid and 0 export. If the inverter detects any export for more than 200mS it will disconnect from the grid. This is part of the new firmware update to comply with AS4777-2 2020 App M.

I’ve got my first 3 phase job coming up using 3 x MPII 48/5000/70-50 230V AU (WP approved) which I’ve ordered, looking to install early Jan. Looking forward to see how it goes.

Hope this helps.

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This certificate is the latest one Victron list with 495 firmware as per the latest SAA18339 (issued 31/10/23)

The latest firmware now included the Quattro and Multiplus models.