Multiplus-II 48/10000 shut off and won't restart

Hi, first time posting here. We are an off-grid school in rural Guatemala. Our system includes a multiplus-II 48/10000/140 inverter, 120/240|100 autotransformer, mppt 250 charge controllers, lynx distributor 1000, cerbo gx, and soluna 5kw lithium batteries. The system has been working fine for over 2 years with the exception of a battery malfunction a few months ago. Suddenly this morning the inverter shut off and despite repeated efforts to restart the system it won’t turn back on.

What we’ve tried so far:

  • review the history of use in the vrm portal - at the moment it died, it showed batteries were charged to 96% and energy consumption was at 1257w which is well below the 9kw threshold of the inverter and solar production was 1303w; there were no entries in alarm log or event log either
  • shut off everything with a switch or breaker, including the battery tower and the main breakers to the buildings, and disconnected the cerbo; waited 10 minutes, then turned on the charge controllers, autotransformer, and batteries in that order; once batteries were all lit up, turned on the inverter to position 1 - at this point nothing happened, no lights or sound from the inverter
  • went through all the steps as before again except this time as suggested in another post, turned the inverter to position 2 (charge only) - again nothing happened

I’m waiting for tech support from the vendor but they’ve told me to do these same steps and they’re about 6 hours away so who knows when they’ll be able to make the trip. I’m not sure what else to try now so any guidance is much appreciated. Thanks!

Looks like the multiplus isnt getting any power, i suggest to measure all cable’s, connections and fuses or breakers with a multimeter first

Then if you try to start the system, start only the multi and batterys nothing else, i assume you have enough battery capacity to start the system


Thanks Marc, that makes sense. I’ll test all those points today.

Turns out the lynx DC distributor had one fuse that was bad and it was the fuse that connects power to the cerbo and the inverter. So we switched the bad fuse out and now everything works again!

EDIT: to clarify we discovered this with a multimeter testing all the connection points as per Marc’s suggestion


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