Multiple mppts into 1 bms , only reading 1

My Victron system has three MPPTs 2x 100/30 and 1x 75/15. Each MPPT supports two solar panels. I only have one BMS 500, so have run the MPPT outputs through a bus bar. On the dashboard, only 1 of the MPPTs registers.

How do I get all the MPPTs to register on Victron Connect, but mainly, how do I get them to load watts into the system?

First you should add every MPPT separatly to your Victron Connect App. If these MPPTs are the Smart Version with Bluetooth, they should directly be shown up when you open the app.
Then you have to do the standard setup with bluetooth code etc.
Then configure all MPPTs with the same battery values (e.g. max voltage, etc).
Once you have all of them connected, configured and working, you should set up a network where you connect them all together (I assume the MPPTs are all within bluetooth range?).

Once connected in the same network, all MPPTs know their states and work together as one big MPPT. They will load the same one battery with all the available power in dependence of the battery state.

Thanks! I’ll start with that. All three MPPTs are bluetoothed and next to each other.

Thank, Jet lag!! I flipped the switch on the MPPT to separate it from BMS and it shows up in my device list now.

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