Adding more pv's and MPPT

I will be adding some more PV’s and also another charge controller to accommodate these.
No issues with that, but the existing MPPT controller is using the non-inverting control cable so how would this configuration work with the extra controller?

Bit more detail on existing system required

If you have a GX that would be easy…

Currently I have 3Panels into 1 victron-mppt 100/50. 4 smart victron batteries with VE Bus BMS. Part of the setup is Cyrix Li Load device which uses connection 87 to a BMS 12/200 and acts as a Charge stop. Having added the MPPT controller at a later date, connection 87 also now has the VE non-inverting lead which then is connected to the MPPT port to stop it from overcharging, ie stops output from the MPPT .
So when I add another MPPT should I use a second lead to stop this one from charging also, or would the 've smart networking ’ control this as part of the networking operations?
My setup is on my narrow boat but I struggle to harvest enough Solar during autumn/winter which is why I need more PV’S.
Many thanks h