Multigrid ESS and 3 AC coupled Inverters - all same phase and ACin?

When setting up my ESS do I have to connect all AC coupled PV inverters to the same phase as the Multi ? I don’t want them at “ACout” unless there is an advantage.

Only advantage of AC PV on the ac out is if you live in a place where grid blackouts are to be expected and you still want the use of your solar during that time.
The other consideration is if you don’t want to follow the 1:1 rule having it on the ac in is an advantage.

@vicky could you provide a little more information?

Is it a 3 phase system or single phase? How many PV inverters do you have? What is the power rating of the PV inverters and what is the power rating of the
Multiplus? Do you want control over any feedback to the grid or can excess simply be pushed back to the grid? Is the grid power reliable or is it very unreliable?

@trevor bird
Sorry for being cheap on information. Here you go:
System is s single phase multigrid 48/3000.
Gridmeter is EM540.
3 PV inverters
String PV power:
5.5 kWp
2.1 kWp
2.1 kWp
Battery 20kWh
Plus EV / Wallbox.
Main goal is self consumption, surplus is sold to grid.
Grid is quite stable, tendency going worse.

Looking at the power I understand I could add one of the 2.1 kWp Inverters to the AC out to obey the 1:1 rule.
My main concern having the inverters connected to different phases was to maybe screw up calculations of the Multi. E.g. Leading to solar power feed back to the grid rather than charging the battery.

@vicky this subject is not particularly difficult but has a lot of moving parts. If you haven’t already, I suggest you establish a free account with “Victron Professional” and watch training video 8.1, “Introduction to ESS”. After watching this training video I think all of your queries will be answered and you will have much more confidence in making the decision about your system.

Txs Trevor. I did watch the video 8.1 (which I had in the past already) but it doesn’t answer my specific question unfortunately. It is still unclear to me if I have to connect all PV AC inverters to the same phase or not, if I run a single phase system. Or do I have to configure a three phase system, using one multi only? I am not talking about wether using ACin or ACout, that difference is clear to me and I might consider moving one PV AC inverter to ACout (Option2) , but still - the question remains. Same phase or not ?
Maybe I missed the point so far, so please let me know.

@vicky Sorry, because I think I missed the point. I am not an expert in this (yet), as I am about to configure my house to have 2 x Multipluses 5000/48 on a 3 phase system. One of the phases is practically unused and I only have one AC PV which will be on the input of one of the Multis.

I intend to configure as a 3 phase system, with 2 multipluses and show the AC PV on the input using a single ET112 energy meter connected to the CergoGX.

I think you should run a three phase system with only one Multi and show the energy meters as you have configured in option 2. My research so far has concluded it is perfectly ok to have a three phase system with only one or two multis and that is what I intend to do. I haven’t actually done it yet but will be doing that work in a few weeks.